2006-present : Ph.D (EE) UCSD, La Jolla, CA. GPA:4.0.
2002-2003 : M.S (EE) Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, Dec.
2003. GPA:3.89.
1998-2002 : B.Tech (EE) Indian Institute of Technology, Madras. GPA:
July 2006- present: Research Assistant, with Prof. Nuno Vasconcelos,
Research areas: computer vision, machine learning and pattern recognition with applications to background subtraction and tracking.
March 2004- Jun 2006: Systems Design Engineer, Multimedia Group,Qualcomm Inc, San Diego, CA.
3D Graphics: developing 3D graphics capability using Qualcomm
proprietary DSP in embedded chips for mobile
phones. Involved in DSP systems, 3D Graphics, and Firmware development.
Video Systems : video enhancement : algorithms for deblocking, deblurring,
deringing, color bleeding removal and frame rate up-conversion, video
quality evaluation : designing objective quality metrics, subjective
Aug 2002- Mar 2004: Research Assistant, with Prof. Badri Roysam,
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.
Devised and implemented robust statistical procedures for analysis of
noisy biomedical images; 3D modeling and tracing of in vivo images
(retinal and tissue angiogenesis images); complexity analysis of
vasculature; change detection algorithms using Minimum Description Length.
(1) 'A Novel Approach to FRUC using Discriminant Saliency and Frame Segmentation', N. Jacobson, Y-L. Lee, V. Mahadevan, N. Vasconcelos and T.Q. Nguyen, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, in print
(2) 'Generalized Stauffer-Grimson Background Subtraction for Dynamic Scenes', A. B. Chan, V. Mahadevan and N. Vasconcelos, Machine Vision and Applications, in print
(3) 'Spatiotemporal Saliency in Highly Dynamic Scenes', V. Mahadevan and N. Vasconcelos, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,vol. 32(1), 171-177, January 2010
(4) 'On the plausibility of the discriminant center-surround hypothesis for visual saliency', D. Gao, V. Mahadevan and N. Vasconcelos, Journal of Vision,8(7):13, 1-18,2008
(5) 'Robust Detection of Vasculature from Retinal
Images Using a Generalized Dual Gaussian Cross Sectional Profile', H. Narasimha Iyer, V. Mahadevan, J. M. Beach and B. Roysam, in press, IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine.
(6) '3D Model-Based Complexity Analysis of Tumor Microvasculature from in
vivo Multiphoton Confocal Images', J. A. Tyrell, V. Mahadevan, R. Tong, E.
Brown, B. Roysam and R. K. Jain,
J. of Microvascular
70, pp. 165-178, 2005.
(7) 'Robust Model-Based Vasculature Detection in Noisy Biomedical Images',
V. Mahadevan, H. Narasimha Iyer, B. Roysam and H. Tanenbaum, IEEE
Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, vol. 8, no. 3, pp.
360-376, Sept. 2004.
(1) 'Motion Vector Refinement for FRUC Using Saliency and Segmentation', N. Jacobson, Y-L. Lee, V. Mahadevan, N. Vasconcelos and T.Q. Nguyen, IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME), Singapore, Jul 2010
(2) 'Anomaly Detection in Crowded Scenes V. Mahadevan, W. Li, V. Bhalodia and N. Vasconcelos', oral presentation (acceptance rate 5%), IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), San Francisco, CA, June 2010.
(3) 'On the Design of Robust Classifiers for Computer Vision', H. Masnadi-Shirazi, V. Mahadevan and N. Vasconcelos, oral presentation (acceptance rate 5%), IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), San Francisco, CA, June 2010
(4) 'Background Subtraction in Highly Dynamic Scenes', V. Mahadevan and N. Vasconcelos, IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Anchorage, AK, June 2008.
(5) 'Unsupervised Moving Target Detection in Dynamic Scenes',V. Mahadevan and N. Vasconcelos, Army Science Conference, Orlando, FL, Dec 2008.
(6)'The discriminant center-surround hypothesis for bottom-up saliency',
D. Gao, V. Mahadevan and N. Vasconcelos, Neural Information Processing Systems
(NIPS),Vancouver, Canada, 2007.
(7) 'Robust Parametric Modeling for Improved Segmentation of
Complex Tumor Microvasculature from Multiphoton Microscopy Data,' J. A.
Tyrrell, V. Mahadevan, R. Tong, B. Roysam, E.B. Brown, R.K. Jain, 62nd
Annual meeting of the Microscopy Society of America, Aug 1-5, Savannah,
GA, 2004.(winner of Presidential Award for student papers).
(8) 'Complexity Analysis for Angiogenesis Vasculature', V. Mahadevan, J.
A. Tyrell, R. Tong, E. Brown, B. Roysam and R. K. Jain, SPIE Conference
on Medical Imaging, Feb 2005, San Diego, CA.
Software Radios, invited technical presentation, Networks Lab, R. P.
I, Feb 2003.
-Filed for 3 patents (for
Qualcomm) in the areas of video quality analysis, and
-LANGUAGES: C, C++, Pascal, Assembly Language Programming, UNIX
Shell Script, Perl.
-OPERATING SYSTEMS: UNIX, Linux, Windows 95/98, NT, XP.
-MMX, VXL image processing library.
-QDSP4 DSP and embedded ARM microprocessor systems.
-Image Denoising and Compression Algorithms in MATLAB.
-Robust Estimation and Testing.
-Multichannel G.723.1 using MMX in Linux for Wireless Applications a
4-channel speech coding system to transmit speech over a wireless network.
C implementation, senior year project, 2002.
Convex Optimization, Graphical Models, Statistical Learning, Time Series Analysis, Digital Image and Video Processing, Detection and Estimation Theory,
Advanced Digital Signal Processing, Wireless Communications, Pattern
Recognition, Biomedical Image Analysis, Operations Research, Queuing Theory.
-Recognised as an Emerging Leader in Multimedia by IBM TJ Watson Research Center, 2009.
-U.C.S.D Jacobs School Research Expo 2008, Poster Award, 2nd Place.
-Full tuition scholarship and Research Assistantship at U.C.S.D, R.P.I.
-National Talent Search Scholar, Government of India.
-Hindustan Organic Chemicals Ltd Scholarship for outstanding performance
in school and
undergraduate college.
-0.1% among over 200,000 candidates in the All India Secondary School
Certificate Exam, 1998.
-Visionary of the Year-2002, awarded by DSQworld.com Ltd, Chennai.
-Founder, Qualcomm Quiz Club(2006).
-Secretary, RPI Quiz Club, 2003.
-Volunteer, Pallavi of Capital District, (Indian classical music
organization), 2002-2003.
-Coordinator for events in Saarang 2001, 2002, and Shaastra 2001 (annual cultural and technical festivals at IIT Madras).