Scenes Shot
Pedestrian Throughway
01. Sidewalk 01 (near CG BLFG)
02. Sidewalk 02 (near Economics BLDG)
03. UCSD Library Walk
04. Sidewalk 03 (Downtown Fifth Ave.)
05. Parade (Hillcrest)
06. Plaza (UCSD Center Hall)
Pedestrian Entrance/Exit
07. Geisel Library
08. Sea World Exit
09. Atkinson Hall (Emergency Evacuation)
10. Concert (Not shot yet)
Vehicular Throughway
11. Intersection 01
12. Intersection 02
Vehicular Entrance/Exit
13. Freeway Entrance
14. Parking Structure
Process Overview
Video shot using Sony DCR-HC38 HandyCam.
All angles were shot with camera zoom fully wide and tripod legs fully extended unless otherwise noted. However, most panning shots were shot with center arm not extended for better stability in manually rotating camera.
Care was taken to shoot each angle completely before moving tripod to another location. However, not all traffic scenes are capable of being shot on the same day. Therefore, some slight variation in an angle’s view was incurred. This error was minimized either by (1) cropping the video so the we had the same view in frame across the board, or (2) re-shooting the entire scene over for more consistency.
After shooting, video is cropped temporally to cut our outliers and obtain a pure class (i.e. just low traffic or just cars turning right). Then video dimensions were reduced to 50% and compressed using codecs: MPEG-4 (.mp4), H.264 (.mov), cinepak (.avi). Care was taken to not compress excessively as noticeable artifacts would occur.
1) < /data2/vidtex/mulloy > - Contains three main folders.
a) <.../video > - Contains raw video which as filmed.
b) <.../Data > - Contains video clips that went through ‘vid2y48.m’
c) <.../MetaData > - Contains:
i) run_experiment.m - Executes script to model processed video clips, to train classifiers, to test classifiers, to validate classifiers, to see error results. Experiment parameters are set for particular scene.
ii) ImageMaster.mat - Contains list of pre-processed video directories and their respective class (e.g. high, medium, low)
iii) exp**.mat - Contains workspace from executing ‘run_experiment.m’ in Matlab. Contains experimental results.
2) ~/vidtex - Contains matlab m-files used by programs such as ‘vid2y48.m’ and ‘run_experiment.m’
1) Matlab
2) vid2y48.m -- m-file within matlab. This program must be ran on server “weiner” as this server has the codecs for videos.
3) run_experiment.m --
1. Run vid2y48.m in Matlab. - This program converts full length color clips into arbitrarily long B&W data clips (usually 50 frames). This program also outputs ‘ImageMaster’ which is a metadata file containing the directory and class associated with every output clip.
2. Run run_experiment.m - located in each MetaData file with scene specific parameters.
3. Based on results, adjust experiment parameters.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3.
01. Sidewalk01
(Pedestrian Throughway)
Shot Description: Shot near Cognitive Science Building and singing tree. Three angles: (1) Oblique - 6-foot tripod fully extended above heads and placed on boulder to give slight birds-eye-view, facing east towards library walk. (2) Front - eye level, two tripod legs on crack in cement facing west, (3) Side - eye-level in dirt facing north.
Filming Status:
Still Shots -
(1) Oblique Angle - Missing ‘medium’ traffic level. However, can make this up using a ‘medium-high’ class.
(2) Front Angle - Complete. Two slightly different versions.
(3) Side Angle - Missing: ‘high’ level. Can’t shoot this level until october.
Panning Shots -
No Panning shots were filmed due to time constraints.
Traffic-Level Classifier Description: Discriminating between high, medium, and low flows of pedestrian traffic. Three experiments, one per angle.
(1) Oblique - Initial Experiment Results:
Although a distinct ‘medium’ class was not shot yet, we were able to achieve high accuracy using two levels of high. (i.e. ‘low-high’ & ‘high-high’).
md_error_mean = 0.1659 = 83.41% Accurate
kl_error_mean = 0.2505 = 74.95%
kl_svmerror_mean = 0.3141 = 68.59%
ikl_error_mean = 0.3676 = 63.24%
ikl_svmerror_mean = 0.3004 = 69.96%
(2) Front - Initial Experiment Results:
Waiting on results. ETA: less than one week.
(3) Side - Initial Experiment Results:
Waiting on ‘high’ class. ETA: October.
02. Sidewalk02
(Pedestrian Throughway)
Shot Description: Shot near Economics Building on Ridgewalk, mid-day. Three angles: (1) Front - eye level, set up under bridge, facing south, (2) Side - eye-level facing west. (3) Oblique - Shot on bridge, in middle, facing south. ‘Medium’ and ‘low’’ are readily available. However, ‘Heavy’ was captured during passing periods.
Filming Status:
Still Shots -
(1) Oblique Angle - Complete.
(2) Front Angle -Compete.
(3) Side Angle - Missing ‘high’ level. Can’t shoot this level until october.
Panning Shots -
Panning-Low-Front was shot successfully.
Traffic-Level Classifier Description: Discriminating between high, medium, and low flows of pedestrian traffic. Three experiments, one per angle.
(1) Front - Initial Experiment Results:
(2) Side - Initial Experiment Results:
(3) Oblique - Initial Experiment Results:
03. Library Walk
(Pedestrian Throughway)
Shot Description: Libary Walk is a throughway used by thousands throughout the day. At times there are so many people using this throughway that it is difficult to even walk.
Three angles: (1) Front - eye level, set up in center of walkway facing south, (2) Side - eye-level facing west. (3) Oblique - Shot from center of 5th floor of Geisel Library, UCSD, mid-day and facing south.
Filming Status:
Still Shots -
(1) Oblique Angle - Complete. Two versions of this angle. Shot at different times of year.
(2) Front Angle -Compete.
(3) Side Angle - Missing ‘high’ and ‘medium’ levels. Can’t shoot this level until october.
Panning Shots -
Missing Panning-Front.
Panning Oblique is not compatible.
Traffic-Level Classifier Description: Discriminating between high, medium, and low flows of pedestrian traffic. Three experiments, one per angle.
(1) Front - Initial Experiment Results:
md_error_mean = 0.3558 = 64% Accurate
kl_error_mean = 0.3657 = 64%
kl_svmerror_mean = 0.4138 = 58%
ikl_error_mean = 0.3800 = 62%
ikl_svmerror_mean = 0.2983 = 70%
(2) Side - Initial Experiment Results:
Waiting on ‘high’ and ‘medium’ classes.
(3) Oblique - Initial Experiment Results:
md_error_mean = 0.4314
kl_error_mean = 0.5329
kl_svmerror_mean = 0.4155
ikl_error_mean = 0.5611
ikl_svmerror_mean = 0.4546
(3) Oblique Expectiations: These were the errors before the data was separated into two versions. Better accuracy is expected from each version after this distinction is ran through experiment. However, these results show that there is a large error associated with calibration.