12. Intersection02
(Vehicular Intersection)
Shot Description: Shot at the Intersection of La Jolla Village Square and Nobel Dr. Three Angles: (1) Front - west side of intersection facing east, eye level, set up on island which separates east and west moving vehicles. (2) Side - north side facing south, eye-level, vehicles exiting plaza on our right, vehicles entering on left side,. (3) Oblique - Shot from nearby hill on northwest corner facing southeast. Shot a little higher than eye level.
Filming Status:
Still Shots -
(1) Oblique Angle - Complete
(2) Front Angle - Complete
(3) Side Angle - Complete
Panning Shots -
(1) Oblique Angle - Complete
(2) Front Angle - Complete
(3) Side Angle - Complete
Classifiers: No Classifiers have been built using this footage. This scene may not contain enough variation in traffic flow to test the Traffic-Levels (congestion) classifier.