03. Library Walk
(Pedestrian Throughway)
Shot Description: Libary Walk is a throughway used by thousands throughout the day. At times there are so many people using this throughway that it is difficult to even walk.
Three angles: (1) Front - eye level, set up in center of walkway facing south, (2) Side - eye-level facing west. (3) Oblique - Shot from center of 5th floor of Geisel Library, UCSD, mid-day and facing south.
Filming Status:
Still Shots -
(1) Oblique Angle - Complete. Two versions of this angle. Shot at different times of year.
(2) Front Angle -Compete.
(3) Side Angle - Missing ‘high’ and ‘medium’ levels. Can’t shoot this level until october.
Panning Shots -
Missing Panning-Front.
Panning Oblique is not compatible.
Traffic-Level Classifier Description: Discriminating between high, medium, and low flows of pedestrian traffic. Three experiments, one per angle.
(1) Front - Initial Experiment Results:
md_error_mean = 0.3558 = 64% Accurate
kl_error_mean = 0.3657 = 64%
kl_svmerror_mean = 0.4138 = 58%
ikl_error_mean = 0.3800 = 62%
ikl_svmerror_mean = 0.2983 = 70%
(2) Side - Initial Experiment Results:
Waiting on ‘high’ and ‘medium’ classes.
(3) Oblique - Initial Experiment Results:
md_error_mean = 0.4314
kl_error_mean = 0.5329
kl_svmerror_mean = 0.4155
ikl_error_mean = 0.5611
ikl_svmerror_mean = 0.4546
(3) Oblique Expectiations: These were the errors before the data was separated into two versions. Better accuracy is expected from each version after this distinction is ran through experiment. However, these results show that there is a large error associated with calibration.